Grappa – the name invokes the sun kissed shores of Italy! This heady alcoholic drink made with pomace has been protected by the EU since 1989 and only the ones completely sourced and brewed in Italy can use the name, Grappa.
Pomace consists of the grape skins, seeds and stalks that are left over from the winemaking process. These are taken through a second process of distillation, which extracts the remaining flavours from the pomace before the waste is discarded. The grappa is then either bottled at once, which creates white grappa (grappa bianca), or aged in wooden casks to create the yellow or brown-hued grappa known as riserva.
The best way to end an all-Italian meal is by serving Grappa in the form of a shot or in a wine glass. An ordinary wine glass won’t do either. ‘Instituto Nazionale Grappa,’ the body of Grappa producers recommend narrow glasses with open rims that are shaped like tulips for serving Grappa.
It is frequently served with coffee as caffè coretto loosely translated as corrected coffee. However, Italians often enjoy the crisp taste of the Grappa by drinking it straight off the freezer. The taste and flavor may be affected somewhat by this method but people seem to enjoy freezing the drink that is best served at 17 degrees Celsius.
The Oaks Cellar Pte Ltd is committed to bring Grappa to you in its purest form and has decided to bring only one kind of the wine that matters i.e. Levi Serafino Grappa from Piedmont, Italy. The Grappa here is aged for 4 to 8 years in wooden casks and barrels before being brought to you in the form of Levi Serafino Grappa Bianca 2006 700ml, Levi Serafino Grappa Camomilla 2014 700ml, Levi Serafino Grappa Ambrata 2005 700ml and Levi Serafino Grappa Paglierina 2006 700ml.
You will also be able to taste different types by opting for a 4 pack containing Grappa Reserve Straw, Grappa Gentle Chamomile, Grappa Moscato as well as Grappa Reserve White of 50ml each.
About The Article
This article is an introduction to Grappa wine and the products offered by along with its specialties.