
The Award-winning Italian wines from Sergio Del Casale


The history of Del Casale family begins with its ancestor Francesco Paolo in Vasto, Italy, the so-called “Terra d’oro” (the “Golden Land”), and with Antonio on a later stage. It was Sergio, together with his wife Lucia, who then spread the love for quality wine to his family. His two young daughters, Laura and Paola, are currently running the business and devotedly take this tradition forward. Today, the art of winemaking and the Del Casale family go hand in hand.

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The lineage of the Del Casale family dates back around the end of the 18th century, in the fertile “golden land” of Vasto, in Abruzzo. It was a difficult time, but with a strong will, the family starts to cultivate the available land near the “coast”, which is on a steep slope of the valley, hard to work but the best for good-quality production.
Back in 1920, Francesco Paolo – a stubborn winemaker – decided to stay in San Biagio district despite the difficulties he was facing. He earned his nickname (“Vird’ Vird'”, which means “green green” in English) for its dedication and care for his vineyards.

In 1984, through the perseverance of Sergio and his wife, Lucia, the land paid off with healthy and good-quality vines and grapes in San Biagio. Nowadays, grown up with a long and significant winemaking tradition, Paola and Laura are two representatives of the present and the future of Del Casale’s family.

Winemaking – With New Technologies and Old Tradition

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Only from a careful care of the vineyards, it is possible to obtain grapes of the best quality: for this reason Del Casale vineyards, with a tendon and counter-espalier breeding system, are managed minimizing chemical interventions with plant protection products and agronomic practices aimed at preserving the quality of the environment and of our health.

Keeping up with the technological innovations in the oenological field, but with an eye to old and often more appropriate rural traditions, they have been trying for years to produce best quality wines.

Award winning wines

Since 2006 till date – Del Casale has received many achievements and awards at the annual Vinitaly International Wine Competition. Here are a few award-winning labels which are highly recommended:

Montepulciano d’Abruzzo “Radices”

  • Carefully selected grapes and oak maturation for months make up marvelous drops. Vintage 2009 even gained its recognition among wine enthusiasts and professionals during the 51st Vinitaly Awards held in 2017 with 93 points out of 100.

Montepulciano d’Abruzzo “Casale San Biase”

  • From the vineyards of the San Biagio hills, mitigated by the marine climate, the low yield per hectare produce precious grapes harvested manually for the “Casale San Biase” wines, a full expression of the aromatic richness of the area “Vasto”.

Montepulciano d’Abruzzo “Diomedeo”

  • Signified as “God Diomedeo” by the winemaker, delivers powerful wines of remarkable and rich tannins, in which typical hints of vintage Montepulciano d’Abruzzo stand out in combination with the valuable characteristics conferred by the French oak barriques.

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Click here to view our collection from Sergio Del Casale.

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